Thursday, September 13, 2012

virtual wandering: Braderie de Lille

Lille must be a city or a village in France? But what in the world is braderie?

I'm completely clueless about these words until one of my French students explained to me what they mean. Well, I am right that Lille is a place, a city actually which is in northern France (See image below)

Braderie, on the other hand, is like our ukay-ukay shops, where pre-loved items are sold. The City of Lille hosts its 48-hour-giant flea market every first weekend of September (did I write my thoughts right? *wink*). Must be interesting to see people flocking to the streets of Lille to trade their used goods or to hunt for some cheap or rare items worth their euro.

With lots of treasures to hunt in this fair and intense bargaining skills to make use of, I think my mom and my big sister would love it here. However, the distance between my country and France is more than six thousand miles plus I must have lots and lots and lots of money to purchase their air tickets. But I wonder, should you take such a long trip to France just to buy some pre-loved items? Might as well shop for the high-end brands in Paris!! *daydreaming*   

Anyway, I think local ukay-ukay shops are enough for now *hahaha*.  Mom and Ate Kath can still find rare treasures in them anyway. They have the "eye", my Ate especially. *wink*


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